Alternative Medicine. Another approach to IBS
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Nowadays, our health is jeopardised by the modern way of life and the environment degradation.

Many people suffer from problems related to bowel and stomach and often feel confused to try many cures and see no luck.

In this page I'll refer to IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) and steps you should take so as to know it better and fight it more drastically.


An easy reading book. Your very first book.


Step 2. Ensure this is a non pathological problem

A series of medical exams (blood test, CT scan, colonoscopy, etc) may be necessary to ensure you are not suffering from sth serious (e.g. Chron's disease) which could endanger your life. Consult your doctor and take it! Do not hesitate. It is very important to be sure . Some exams may sound painful (e.g. colonoscopy) but it's important to know you have to face only IBS !

Step 3. Therapy for IBS. Is there therapy ?

We are in the step where we have excluded pathological reasons for our problem and have a general idea of the function of our digestive system. Also, from our reading we have found out that the cause of our problem  is not sth obvious enough we haven't realised yet. (e.g. We have problem only when we eat dairy products cos we luck lactose)

Therefore, the question arises . What happens to us ? I assume this is a message from our body that sth is going wrong but what's this?

Classical medicine has got no answer. It's a field still under investigation. They name it IBS and like very much to associate it with stress and emotional status. The sufferer knows that this is not always true.

I'm realistic enough to say that there is not a known cure for IBS (so far). However there are several ways to feel much better.

Your doctor may provide you with Duspatalin, Ibutin, Doralin, Dogmatyl. And 'll tell you to avoid vegetables. So what? Feel any better ? For how long ? And what about the side effects of the drugs? And the beneficial ingredients you miss cos you lack most vegetables?

This is the point where alternative medicine really can help and provide another horizon !


Read more at these IBS related sites :

Step 1. Being aware of the problem. Bibliography

It's the most important and primary step of all. You 've got to know your problem better . Read to learn how your organism functions and reacts, what is normal and what should make you worry.

All the books illustrated at this page are considered basics, are quite helpful & you should defenitely read.

Digestion in detail and how classic Medicine faces it


A variety of alternative (drug free) methods to improve your digestive system

Step 4.  Action ! Where you might turn to

Do not lose your courage. From the sites you'll visit you 'll soon realise you're not alone in your problem. Therefore, a shared pain is half the pain !

Homeopathy will treat you as an entity and will help you put your body back in balance. ,

Do you know that some of your everyday foods may be allergens for your body. Maybe you haven't imagined but ordinary foods such as milk, wheat, potatoes may trigger not your bowel but your body and make it burst out to your bowel.

Is there an uninvited resident inside your bowel ? This fungus (candida) is associated to a great deal of disorders. Learn how you can exterminate it !,

Eat according to your blood type to retune yourself. Some foods may be completely incompatible to you even though you like it very much!


Do not forget to consult your doctor, either classic or holistic